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How to Effectively Visualize Your Desired Reality and Ideal Self
I’ve tried visualization before but I can’t definitively say I’ve gotten great results from it.
It’s probably because I usually don’t have a very clear sense of what I’m trying to visualize in the first place – it’s more like vague feelings of “more money,” “working for myself,” “less stress” and so on.
So when I saw this Quazi Johir video pop up in my recommendations I decided to see what it could tell me that I haven’t already tried before.
I’ll link the video here, followed by my notes and personal comments / responses:
Video: Once you visualize correctly, the shift happens (this is how) – Quazi Johir
Visualization Notes
If you go to the actual YouTube video there’s a link to a free worksheet by the creator (Quazi Johir) that does a clean, to-the-point summary of the video that’s more succinct than what I have below. I just like to take my own notes because it helps me process things better so that’s what I did here.
Here are my notes on the above visualization video:
Visualizing Reality
- Goal Visualization: E.g. $5k/month from laptop
- This is kind of a static form of visualization: how things are going to be when you hit that goal
- Process Visualization: What is the next immediate thing you need to do?
- Begin with what you already know: you always know at least the one next step you need to take to get closer to where you want to get to.
- Visualize yourself doing the thing. This is dynamic visualization: what life looks like when I am in the act of doing the thing that will move me one step closer. Realize that every step you are taking is actively moving you closer to the goal!
- Intention: Resoluteness in my decision to have and to act. Inner intention and outer intention.
- Inner intention: Personal resolve to do something (take action) in order to get a result. I.e. I intend to take these actions to make my goal happen: post daily, hustle, network, etc.
- Outer intention: Resolve in my decision that the desired outcome will be mine, regardless of how it will happen. E.g. I resolved to have $20k/month; idk how it’s going to happen but I am determined that it will happen. Assume the wish will be fulfilled, it’s guaranteed, it WILL happen, and accept that you don’t entirely know how the process will look. This part relies a lot on trust, surrender, faith; you and the universe are co-creating the reality you desire. Like the saying, “Let go and let god.” (But don’t think you can sit back and be entirely passive – you still have to take action; you are co-creating your reality.)
Visualizing the ideal self
Who would you be if you were effortlessly achieving your goals/living your dream life?
Define your ideal self:
- Define 5 superpowers your ideal self (“me 2.0”) would have.
- Define 5 key habits your ideal self does every day.
- What sense of style does your ideal self have?
- Task
- When you are conducting tasks, ask yourself: How would my ideal self do this? (Who are you being when you do this? How would your best / ideal / future self do this?)
- Decision
- Given different options in any situation, what option does your ideal self pick to get closer to the desired reality? Imagine your ideal self guiding your current self, coming back to help your current self grow.
- Act
- Who you pretend to be is who you’ll become. In this next moment, who am I choosing to be? Act as that person now. (In fact, it IS you now!)
If you want to answer these for yourself, I’ll mention again that the original video provides a link to a great free worksheet in the description. Definitely worth checking out and supporting the original creator!
My personal responses
(I am loathe to subject myself to actual accountability… But I’ll go ahead and share my answers here in the spirit of learning in public à la Austin Kleon. Even if no one is reading this, this serves as a good growth journal for myself.)
Visualizing Reality
- Goal Visualization: $5k / month from my laptop
- Process Visualization: Create my content calendar and action plan. Related: Review past notes and come up with my first product. Put it all in one main central doc (all ideas are currently scattered in different places). Make a presentation for myself that’s fun, easy, beautiful, exciting, inspiring, motivating for myself! (A guide that makes it all clear and believable, something that I’ll keep coming back to for clarity and motivation.)
- Intention: Inner intention: Yes I will do the work. Been fucking around the past several years but still haven’t totally quit. Will keep doing it. Outer intention: Yes, I trust and surrender. It will all work out. It always has. I’ve always been guided and supported by forces seen and unseen. I’ve had miracles my whole life. I trust and have faith that this can work.
Visualizing the ideal self
- 5 superpowers
- Organization. Grit. Integrity. Joy. Confidence.
- 5 key habits
- Exercise. Reflect/review process. Consistent posting schedule. Learning and implementation. Relationship time.
- Sense of style
- Comfortable, put together, clean, creative, utilitarian/feminine/90s
- Tasks: How would my ideal self do this?
- Maximum effort/best effort
- With the intention of being excellent, impactful, helpful, grow my audience/business to my goal
- With joy, grace, focus, organization; maintaining my view of the big picture
- Decisions: What would my ideal self pick?
- The thing that is most aligned, authentic, true to myself and takes me closer to my goal. Aiming for what’s right for the whole, the greater good of all involved.
- Act: Who you pretend to be is who you become.
- Use my time more wisely. Less (mindless/non-intentional) screen time.
- Actually work on my shit daily. (Actively building the habit. Actively creating the desired reality.)
- Self-assured about myself and my dreams, honoring my values, living my success story
It’s been a few days since I first encountered this video and did a journaling session on the prompts that came of out it. The things I put down have been percolating since and honestly helping me make little shifts where before I might not have had the inclination to shift out of my default habits. It’s been helpful for me so I just wanted to share!
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